Designing Workscapes

Diversifying monotone business districts into Workscapes

Map Dutch business districts

The Dutch business districts are designed to be profitable. Many of the 3.800 Dutch business districts are efficient, monotonous landscapes that currently lack the spatial quality to form pleasant living environments. The Dutch districts house many jobs and cover over 20% of the built environment in the Netherlands, making their impact on the biosphere, society, and economy enormous. The strategic locations of these economic hotspots show a great potential to rethink their spatial design and optimise this impact. To let the business districts meet the desired level of spatial quality and sustainability, the concept of business districts must be rethought. This research aims for a landscape-based approach and formulates a pattern language for this transition.

Rosa de Wolf

the Netherlands

Prof. Dr. Steffen Nijhuis
Prof. Dr. Rob Roggema
Dr. Nico Tillie

Project duration
Runs until November 2027

Project links
Werklandschappen van de Toekomst

This research-by-design PhD project aims to contribute to the future success and value of the businesses located on these  Workscapes, whilst generating an inspiring living environment for all users. The pattern language is a tool to translate the existing practical knowledge into knowledge-based spatial configurations. This pattern language will explain the spatial conditions to create more productive, socially and ecologically inclusive, and futureproof business districts and supports the transformative design of business districts into Workscapes.