The future of agriculture

A new frontier in Lelystad rural area

Pleun te Braake - Farm of the Future

In today’s world, there is a growing focus on the agricultural sector and the need for a sustainable future. The Netherlands, with its beautiful and crucial agricultural landscape, deserves recognition. Re-establishing a positive image of agriculture can be achieved by embracing a more nature-inclusive approach, ensuring a better future for all.

Landscape architectural strategies

Pleun te Braake

Lelystad, the Netherlands

Dr. Ir. Nico Tillie
Dr. Ir. Remon Rooij

Project links
The future of agriculture by using green-blue infrastructure

The main goal of this initiative is to promote sustainability in the agricultural sector. The project emphasizes the importance of maintaining diverse biodiversity in agrarian settings, which can help mitigate challenges such as pests, climate change, and pollution. The specific focus area, the rural area of Lelystad, faces various challenges including climate change, groundwater salinization, drought, and a lack of agroecology and ecology. These issues are rooted in a landscape that features distinct agricultural and natural areas. The research seeks to develop an integrated approach to foster a nature-inclusive and resilient agricultural sector, with a spotlight on the rural area of Lelystad. The strategies derived from this research have the potential for application in other regions, with an emphasis on uniting farmers and citizens to create an integrated landscape.

By incorporating these landscape architectural strategies, we can shape a rural environment that not only enhances agricultural biodiversity but also addresses climate-related challenges and revitalizes the relationship between farmers and citizens. This effort aims to create an agricultural landscape prepared for the future, capable of sustainably meeting the needs of the community.